Stone Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6SP


St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

With Christ, we grow in faith and understanding.


Lower Key Stage 2


'Coming Home' by Michael Morpurgo


 Before Christmas, Year 4 enjoyed reading Michael Morpurgo's Coming Home text, which was linked to the Waitrose Christmas advert. In English, we completed activities about the text in guided reading, looking at the writer's technique and choice of language. We linked our learning to Kennings poetry, where we thought about effective descriptions of robins and then wrote our own poems linked to the text. After we had written our poetry, we performed them to some of the younger children, who had to guess what we had written about!

In Maths, we learned about weighing and measuring, along with capacity, and we were able to apply our learning when we made our robin biscuits! 




‘Scavengers and Settlers’ Year 3 and 4 Topic Day

Year 3 and 4 have recently enjoyed a ‘dress up day’ centred around their topic of ‘Scavengers and Settlers’. Children have been learning about key changes during the Stone Age and the importance of the Stone Age in history! On the topic day, children created Stone Age shelters from a number of different materials!

Year 4’s iPad work

Year 4 have been proving that they are experts in modern day technology. They have been using the school’s iPads to complete their research for their non-chronological reports in English. The whole class enjoyed their learning and were able to discover lots of interesting information about Skara Brae!