Music Lessons
Music Provision
Music lessons are available to children in years 2 to 6. Lessons are delivered in small groups of between 2 and 4 children and last approximately 20 minutes. All lessons take place during school time.
Brass, woodwind, strings and guitar lessons are delivered by City Music Service.
If your child is interested in taking up an instrument please collect a letter from the Main Office. If you are unsure which instrument is right for you please click on the link below to see which instruments are offered by City Music.
Lessons are very popular and places are offered on a first come, first served basis.
Lessons are charges at £75 per term, £225 for the year.
If your child wants to play an instrument that is delivered by City Music Service, you will also need to pay a loan fee for the instrument. This payment is made to City Music Service directly. The school can provide guitars to use during lessons but these cannot be taken home to practice, parents will need to purchase a guitar for use at home if desired.
Lessons are booked and paid for in termly blocks, you can choose to opt out of lessons at the end of each term. Fees must be paid before the end of the first half term, failure to do so may result in your child being withdrawn from lessons until payment has been made.
If you do not wish to continue with lessons for the next term please notify the school giving at least one months notice.
City Songbirds is a programme that is run by City Music School in school during lunchtime. Children in Year 1 and 2 have the opportunity to:
- learn songs and musical skills
- enjoy singing in a fun environment
- increase confidence and self-esteem
- improve mental health and wellbeing
The children also perform annual concerts at the Victoria Hall.
Songbirds is available to book termly using the After School Club booking form.