Stone Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6SP


St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

With Christ, we grow in faith and understanding.



      See Latest Ofsted Report January 2023


"At St Teresa's Catholic Primary School, leaders aspire for all pupils to 'be the best they can be'. Parents, staff and pupils are all committed to this aim. Pupils rise to these high expectations, both academically and personally. One parent's comment was typical of many when they said, 'Staff work hard to ensure that pupils make good progress in all areas, are happy and well cared for."


"All pupils are encouraged to follow their interests and to develop leadership skills. They thrive on any opportunities and apply for roles suck as student leader, as well as sharing their interests in 'passion projects'."


"Pupils are happy and safe at school. Parents and carers feel the same."


"Leaders have ensured that the school's curriculum is suitably ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils enjoy the subjects that they study. As a result, they focus during lessons and are eager to learn."


Parent Views 


Thank you to all of the parents who completed our Parent Survey 2024, your feedback is always valued:


"The staff are friendly and caring, easy to approach and help support my child to develop and grow."


"The Catholic ethos of the school is evident in all that my child does."


"Holistic approach to the children's education; academic, social, spiritual and emotional development. This in turn creates a warm and very happy atmosphere at St Teresa's, a place where children want to be and can feel confident to engage in their learning."


"The entire staff excel in nurturing the children, fostering a positive environment within the Church and School where children thrive."


"My children are happy and feel safe at school. They enjoy lessons and like to talk about their learning."